Body Part Magnets – 2 Color Sets
This product includes two sets of the Body Part Magnets in two colors (red and yellow). While one set of words are designed and separated from their radicals,…
虫字旁 Insect Magnets – 1 Color Set
This product includes one set of Insect Magnets. Please go to TPT to download Insects scaffolding worksheets for Free.
木字旁 Wood Radicals – 2 Color Sets
This product includes two sets of Wood Radical Magnets in two colors. While one set of words are designed and separated from their radicals, another set …
草字頭 Plant Magnets – 2 Color Sets
This product includes two sets of Plant Magnets in two colors (light and dark green). While one set of words are designed and separated from their radicals,…
形狀 Shape Magnets -2 Color Sets
This product includes two sets of Wood Radical Magnets in two colors (pink and light bronze). While one set of words are designed and separated from their…
顏色 Color Magnets – 2 Color Sets
This product includes two sets of Color Magnets in two colors (grey and white). While one set of words are designed and separated from their radicals,…
水果 Fruit Magnets – 2 Color Sets
This product includes two sets of Fruit Magnets in two colors (matte blue and glitter blue/purple). While one set of words are designed and separated from…